The information below illustrates how our business processes interrelate and serves as an aid to navigating our IAR

Learn about our reporting philosophy and reporting suite.

Get to know us by having a look at our Group Overview. This will give you a comprehensive overview of who we are and what we do. In this section, you’ll learn about our vision, mission, values and mandate, and will be able to review key metrics related to our business.

Our strategy defines our direction as a business as well as our key objectives and the actions we plan to take in order to fulfil those objectives in the short, medium and long term. Read about how we create value through our strategy and about how we adopt a flexible approach to changing circumstances. This section also contains our CEO’s message for the reporting period and our CFO’s report.

Gain a detailed understanding of the environment in which we operate and of how that impacts on our own operations. You’ll be able to read about the context within which we operate, the Top risks we face as a business, our processes for identifying and managing risk and the ways in which we engage with our stakeholders.

Meet the people who set our company’s course and lead it in the process of implementing its strategic objectives. Read our Chairman’s Message for top-level commentary on the key events of the reporting period. Meet our Board and our Executive Committee and the various Committees of the Board. This section also provides easy-to-read graphics illustrating the composition of the Board, fills you in on the Board’s key focus areas and gives you a report back on its performance.

We pride ourselves on stringent compliance with both local and international best practice in corporate governance. Read about how our corporate governance approach, structures and procedures enable us to secure our brand, reputation and sustainability.

Transformation is woven into the very fabric of our business and informs everything we do, so we have a dedicated section in our IAR to tell you all about that. Read about our approach to transformation and how we’re working to transform our own organisation and to contribute to broader transformation in our country.

Read about how we performed in the 2022 financial year.

View our consolidated annual financial statements and all commentary related to them.

Government agencies




Financial capital

Human capital

Intellectual capital

Natural capital

Social and relationship capital

Manufactured capital

Our business

Our people and society

Our environment

Run airports

Develop airports

Grow footprint

Develop airports